BES Counseling Department

The elementary-school counselor, in cooperation with other staff, teachers, parents, and community leaders, becomes a valuable asset to the school community. Important tasks for the counselors include the following:

  • Promoting success in school.
  • Developing positive attitudes toward self. family, and community.
  • Instilling understanding and appreciation of self and others.
  • Increasing motivation and confidence for success in school and community activities.
  • Teaching decision-making and communication skills.
  • Creating an emotionally healthy school learning climate.
  • Improving cooperation between school and home.
  • Developing career awareness for the future.
  • Building tolerance and appreciation of persons of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
  • Intervening in conflict, crisis, and emergency situations.



The counselor provides individual and group counseling services in order to assist children in the following:

  • Conflicts with peers
  • Teacher-child conflicts
  • Rejection
  • Friendships
  • Grief and loss
  • Disasters
  • Family conflicts that affect learning
  • Separation and divorce problems
  • Anger management
  • Impulse control
  • Setting realistic goals
  • Attention and learning deficit



1.  Personal development - counselors help students to:

  • develop positive self-esteem.
  • accept responsibility.
  • develop attitudes and actions necessary to achieve.
  • deal with the effects of abuse.
  • cope with the stress that might lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and suicide.
  • develop an awareness of the child's unique potential.

2.  Social development - counselors help students to:

  • develop feelings of adequacy in relation to others.
  • learn ways to resolve interpersonal relationships.
  • establish sound family relationships.
  • establish good peer relationships.
  • establish effective working relationships with teachers and administrators.
  • develop respect for individual differences in attitude, values, and backgrounds.

3.  Educational development -- counselors help students to:

  • use learning opportunities in effective ways.
  • develop educational plans that relate to their interests, aptitudes, achievements, values, and needs.
  • Counselors help identify learning problems/styles for early remediation.
  • Counselors affect the school environment by implementing school-wide programs, e.g., anti-gang activities, positive discipline, peer counseling, peer tutoring, career awareness, conflict management, adopt-a-school program, and so forth.

4.  Career development -- counselors help students to:

  • be aware of career choices and opportunities.
  • meet and talk to persons from various careers regarding the 17 Career Clusters.
  • discuss educational standards that meet career goals.



  • The counselor confers with parents in order to help children change unwanted behaviors and attitudes.
  • The counselor coordinates parent education groups.
  • The counselor provides parents with community resources when necessary.
  • The counselor empowers parents to become more involved in school and community affairs.



  • The counselor provides information and resources for classroom guidance activities.
  • The counselor confers with teachers and staff to plan jointly for the students' needs.
  • The counselor provides in-service and staff development programs on counseling issues such as crisis management, fetal alcohol syndrome, hyperactivity, and behavior modification.
  • The counselor offers teachers interventions and strategies that enhance a child's ability to succeed in the learning environment.



  • The counselor coordinates human services at the school site to ensure that the basic security needs of children are met. Counselors provide information and referrals about community agencies and services.
  • The counselor acts as a liaison for community agencies to disseminate information to the school community and to bring additional programs to the school, e.g., youth gang services, mental health services, college intern programs, etc.



  • Counselors are aware of current research and future trends.
  • Counselors are aware of the need to find positive outlets for stress and to develop a personal support system.
  • Counselors participate in conferences, conventions, meetings, and other modes of networking and gaining expertise.
  • Counselors join professional organizations in order to share and gain from other professionals.



  • Counselors deal with personal crises of students and their families.
  • Counselors provide emotional support when there is death or violence in the family or community.
  • Counselors provide emotional support in child abuse cases.
  • Counselors address suicidal ideation and depression in children.
  • Counselors serve on school crisis teams and other crisis intervention teams.