Welcome! I am Ms. Bobbie Wilson, a third grade teacher here at Blakeney Elementary and I am excited to have your child in my Math and Science class. I have been in the Burke County School system for many years. I look forward to a wonderful year of teaching and learning with your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Blakeney's Bruins
Building Responsible and Understanding Individuals who Noticeably Succeed.
"Blakeney's Bruins are Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Successful."
Your future is always under construction.
We are building:
respectful, caring, and responsible individuals,
healthy relationships,
life long learners,
critical thinkers,
and hard workers.
Our Team:
B. Wilson (Math, Science) Room 324
H. Hickman (Reading, ELA, Writing, and Social Studies) Room 322
L. Phillips (Team Para)
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